(Class Prep)
Table of contents
This page outlines the course structure and provides essential preparation tips for each segment. All materials needed to conduct the course, including lecture and seminar slides, are accessible in the course material drive located in the left sidebar. For detailed information on each course component,, please consult the Syllabus, In Class, and Assignments pages.
In-class Components
Each module begins with a lecture-style seminar. These seminars introduce the moral framework and design technique specific to the module. Sample lecture videos for each module can be found at the following links:
- Module 2: Capabilities Approach
- Module 3: Libertarianism
- Module 4: Deontology
- Module 5: Virtue Ethics
- Module 7: Pragmatism
In-Class Studio Warm-Up
Engage students with design techniques through short, fun activities. Refer to the lecture slides in the In Class and the course Drive for detailed activities.
Group Framework Summary
Explore sample student responses to framework summaries through the following links:
Fireside Chat
Engage with user-centered design experts who discuss ethical considerations in their work. We recommend contacting guest speakers at least 3 months in advance and confirming their participation at the start of the course. For examples of potential guests and a protocol for organizing these chats, please refer to the Sample Course Outline for examples of guests and this link for a sample protocol for fireside chats.
Consider recognizing outstanding students with awards for their grasp of ethical frameworks or design techniques. Templates for awards can be found here:
Assignment Prep
For a detailed description of the assignments, refer to the Assignments section in the left panel. Here are some preparatory steps you can take as an instructor:
Reading Response
Review student-submitted reading responses prior to each seminar, selecting notable quotes to share and discuss in class. This encourages learning from peer examples. Sample responses are available here:
At-Home Studio Activity
- Introduce students to at-home studio activities at the end of each seminar. Details of the activities can be found in the Assignments section in the left panel.
Design Pattern Presentation
In groups, students will present real-world examples of dark patterns. Introduce this concept in the first few classes using reference materials available here{:target=”_blank”}. Some examples of the design techniques used in the design patterns are available here For detailed presentation guidelines, visit here. Please refer to this page for more details on the assignment.
Final Project
The final project involves group work culminating in a report and presentation. Introduce the project early and encourage students to form groups within the first month. Offer feedback on project proposals and drafts. Detailed project information is available here.
Sample Course Outline
Each module consists of 1) a reading on philosophical framework, 2) a reading response, 3) an in-class collaborative synthesis on the philosophical framework and ___, 4) an in-class studio prep activity, 5) an at-home studio prep assignment, and 6) an in-class studio activity. Here is a sample outline of the course:
Sample Class Structures
Module 0: Getting Started #1
- Evil tech part 1 (5 min.)
- Evil tech part 2 (10 min.)
- Slides (5 min.)
- Review slides together (50 min.)
- Uber price gouging (5 min.)
- Discuss frameworks (10 min.)
- Share out (10 min.)
- Syllabus overview (15 min.)
Module 0: Getting Started #2
- UCD overview (15 min.)
- Dark pattern problems (15 min.)
- Share (5 min.)
- AI-generated content (15 min.)
- Share (5 min.)
- Online discourse (15 min.)
- Share (5 min.)
- Fireside chat (35 min.)
Module 1: Utilitarianism
- Discussion question (30 min; shareout for 20 min.)
- Frmaework summary part 1 (20 min.)
- Group discussion and quotes roundup (20 min.)
- Framework summary part 2 (10 min.)
- Judgment call (40 min.)
Module 2: Capabilities Approach
- Design pattern (15 min.)
- Utilitarinism recap (15 min.)
- Capabilties overview 1 (15 min.)
- Framework summary part 1 (25 min.)
- Capabilities overview 2 (5 min.)
- Framework summary part 2 (5 min.)
- Capabilities cards intro, part 1 (20 min.)
- Capabilities cards part 2 (10 min.)
Module 3: Libertarianism
- Design pattern presentation (15 min.)
- Capabilities studio review (10 min.)
- Designing for welfare review (5 min.)
- Quotes on libertarianism (15 min.)
- Libertarianism design framework (15 min.)
- Libertarianism scenarios (25 min.)
- Would you rather part 1 (15 min.)
- Would you rather part 2 (10 min.)
Module 4: Deontology
- Design technique (15 min.)
- Libertarianism studio (10 min.)
- Libertarianism review (5 min.)
- 3x think-pair-share (15 min.)
- Framework synthesis (20 min.)
- Comparing freedom approaches (15 min.)
- Universalize your maxim (20 min.)
- Housekeeping and course survey (10 min.)
Module 5: Virtue Ethics
- Design technique (15 min.)
- Deontology studio examples (10 min.)
- Four-principle overview (5 min.)
- Technology and the virtues (15 min.)
- Reading group conversation (10 min.)
- Framework synthesis (10 min.)
- Virtue ethics designer (5 min.)
- Review and studio prep (40 min.)
Module 6: Ethics of Care
- Design technique (15 min.)
- Virtue ethics examples (15 min.)
- Frameworks roadmap (5 min.)
- Think-pair-share reading quotes (15 min.)
- Quotes roundup (10 min.)
- Framework summary (10 min.)
- The care ethics designer (5 min.)
- Studio warm up (35 min.)
Module 7: Pragmatism
- Design technique (15 min.)
- designing for vulnerable populations (5 min.)
- ethics of care recap (20 min.)
- pragmatism intro (15 min.)
- synthesis (15 min.)
- Studio prep intro (20 min.)
- Studio prep (20 min.)